Our Dentist in Fort Lee NJ Shares More of Dental Prevention Besides Brushing and Flossing
Dental care can be difficult if you’re not fully informed on the dangers and risks your teeth could suffer from. We’ve all been told to brush your teeth twice a day and make sure to include flossing, but there’s a large majority of the American population that either skip flossing days or don’t floss at all! While you may not see any immediate negative results, bacteria is sneaky and can cause enough damage to your smile that by the time you see something’s wrong, it could be too late!
Your dentist in Fort Lee NJ practices preventive dentistry, which is oral care that involves education, treatment, and practice of maintaining a healthy and happy smile. We believe that this is an extremely valuable tool to benefit more than just your teeth, but your overall health, as well. Being informed on the dangers of dental diseases can thoroughly improve your smile and prevent any problems or issues from occurring.
Patients who tend to skip their bi-annual dental appointment are at a higher risk of dental diseases than those who keep to their schedule. It’s a common misconception that if you don’t see anything wrong with your teeth, then there couldn’t be any issues. Like we mentioned, bacteria doesn’t always make itself noticed and when it does, your smile could be in jeopardy at this point.
This information is important for both adults and children. If you have children, young siblings or family members, we encourage you to educate them about this discussion. Children and pre-teens have vulnerable teeth, so helping them understand the importance of daily dental care will help their smile stay healthy and happy for days to come! Cavities are one of the most preventable dental issues around, so help them practice a healthy diet and consistent, proper dental habits and their teeth will be shiny and strong.
To learn more about preventive dentistry and how you can improve your oral and dental health, contact your dentist in Fort Lee NJ for tips, advice, or to schedule an appointment for your routine cleaning! Give Anderson Dental a call today at (201) 461-5400.