Your Englewood Cliffs Dentist Saves Your Smile
You would be surprised how many patients of Anderson Dental, the number one cosmetic dentist serving Manhattan, are suffering from sensitive teeth just like you are. Teeth sensitivity is said to affect about half of the world’s population at any given time and can be triggered by all sorts of sensations. From hot to cold, sweet to sour, spicy and more- how can you prevent your teeth from aching? Well, we feel the first step in this battle is knowing your enemy…
What Causes Sensitivity?
Even though every single patient’s case is specific to them, we find that most sensitivity cases stem from a lifetime of eating and drinking sugary and/or acidic items. These foods and drinks can erode the enamel, the protective layer, of the teeth over time and lead to microscopic holes forming in the teeth. It is when these holes go deep into the center of the tooth, where the nerve is, that sensitivity can result. The “sting” you feel related to sensitivity is because a substance is coming into contact with the nerve, which it shouldn’t be, and your nerve is sending out a sort of “SOS” signal to your brain- translated as pain.
What Can Be Done to Defeat Sensitivity?
Take a walk through any pharmacy oral care aisle and a great variety of toothpaste, gels and more will be available to help solve your sensitivity. The issue we have with these products is that they are usually only offering temporary relief. Most (not all) will have some sort of oral numbing agent that takes away the pain for now but doesn’t solve the bottom line issue. Visit your Manhattan cosmetic dentist at Anderson Dental to address your sensitivity and see what we recommend as a solution for your particular case.
To schedule your next appointment, call our office today at (201) 461-5400 or click here today!