Dental Implants Fort Lee
Looking to replace missing teeth? For years, dentures have been the first choice for tooth replacement. When patients come to us because they have lost one or more teeth they are often upset at the thought of having to use dentures for the rest of their lives and dentures are traditionally seen as painful and embarrassing. While dentures have come a long way over the years, there are still some downsides to them including slipping, moving, and loss of suction.
Dental Implants have quickly become to tooth replacement method of choice, trumping the popularity of dentures. The entire dental implant process can take a few months to implement, but is ultimately a permanent solution and worth the wait!
While dentures are a great short term solution to missing teeth, they can often lose suction and slip while you are eating or talking. Dental implants, however, are a permanent teeth replacement solution and will not slip, move or budge while talking or eating!
What are dental implants?
Dental Implants are small titanium posts that replace your natural root. The dental implant is place directly into your gum and overtime fuses with the jawbone becoming part of your anatomy. Once the implants are integrated, a porcelain replacement tooth is placed or screwed into the post. Dentures are also an option with dental implants, as they can also screw directly into the dental implant cutting down on the slipping that comes with traditional denture.
Why Choose Dental Implants?
Dental implants are the most comfortable tooth replacement option, and more aesthetically pleasing then other available option. Dentures, because there is no tooth root, can cause the jawbone to shrink. A shrinking jaw bone can create pain, as well as a sunken, ‘old’ appearance to the cheeks and face. This sunken appearance can also lead to early wrinkles and other signs of gaining.
If you are looking for a denture alternative, or exploring options to replace your missing teeth, please give our Fort Lee, NJ office a c all to discuss dental implants.